Consumer Brand Style Guide

The Typography


The typography sets the tone, adding personality and life to the words that tell our brand story. The details around each individual character are like fingerprints — they are unique and can help add value to the brand. The look of Garmin typography emits confidence while being modern and on trend. It also communicates reliability, innovation and accuracy. It is flexible and accommodating for a variety of use cases across many languages, and it accounts for many special characters and appropriate ligatures.


Created by Hoefler & Co., this Gothic-style font comes in 32 weights and 9 widths, easily allowing for flexibility across any medium. It’s primarily used for headlines and subheads but can also be used for callouts or any other situation where the design needs more attention. It has a license and is primarily used for consumer-facing materials.


Headline and Subhead
Body Copy and Legal


Designed in 12 weights, this sans serif neogrotesque font was developed by Google™. Usually set in its light weight, it should be used for body and legal copy only. It has a free web license through Google Fonts and is also available through Adobe Typekit for print use.

Roboto is only to be used in its standard weights. A condensed version is available but is not allowed for Garmin usage at this time.



Oswald can be used in lieu of Knockout for garmin.com only, including, but not limited to, all instances of H1-H5. This free Google font is stylistically close to knockout and is able to support more languages and special characters. It has a free web license through Google Fonts. Roboto is used for longer paragraphs or blocks of copy.


Knockout is the preferred font when small amounts of copy are needed in any particular medium. Items such as product cards and packaging primarily use Knockout to display information.


Using any weight of either font is acceptable. A few weights have been selected to be used for templates. Those cannot be changed. Knockout 28 Junior Featherweight, for example, is the preferred weight on packaging, while Roboto Light is used primarily for all body copy.

Visual Cues

Look for commonalities in the materials. Holistically, we want our assets to align conceptually, tonally and visually. Follow visual cues not only from existing templates but also surrounding elements. Use the weights selectively so as not to use too many at the same time.

An image depicting the letter K using the Knockout font at various weights.
An image depicting the letter R using the Roboto font at various weights.
A 20-point, star-shaped badge displaying the text 'Knockout' at size 32 and 'Roboto' at size 12.